1907 – Plastic was invented

2015 – Scientists discover that plankton can digest plastic

2017 – Scientists predict there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050 
(based on weight)

2019 – A plastic bag is found in the Mariana Trench

2020 – Scientists discover plastic in fruit and vegetables

2021 – Microplastics discovered on Everest

2021 – Scientists detect plastic in placenta


Plastics can take anywhere between 20 and 500 years to break down.

In the past decade the scientific community has proven plankton’s ability to digest the smallest of ocean plastics, known as
micro plastics. With Plankton at the bottom of the food chain these findings raise questions over the effect this may be having on our health and also our genetic structure.

By creating images that pose a juxtaposition between mass produced, polymer-based items and the food that we farm and consume, I am asking the viewer to question the role that society plays in the health of future generations.

The sustenance featured in my work and on sale here at this wonderful venue are vital to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. We should all consider the long-term impact our consumer choices and waste habits have on the food chain.  If not for our own generation, then for the next

Questionable Inedible is food for thought.

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